Global Progress Towards Sustainable Endpoint Solutions for High-level Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel Series
November 14, 2024
Join ECA, IAEA, and DOE on November 14, 2024, for the beginning of a webinar series titled Global Progress Towards Sustainable Endpoint Solutions for High-level Waste and Spent Nuclear Fuel featuring senior representatives of national HLW and SNF management programmes around the world.
Today, national programmes can refer to an extensive body of knowledge providing the scientific and technological basis for storage and geological disposal. These programmes also provide numerous examples of how to obtain and sustain a social license while siting, constructing and operating interim storage facilities and geological disposal facilities.
This first webinar, Restarting the Siting Process for HLW and SNF Storage and Disposal, will share experiences from national programmes in Asia (Korea and Japan), Europe (Germany and UK) and North America (USA). Senior programme representatives will convey insights on how large nuclear programmes have restarted their siting process and are working towards providing the safe and accepted facilities needed to manage their HLW and SNF inventories. The goal in each national programme is to establish a geological disposal facility and to ensure that adequate storage capacity is available until disposal operations can begin.
The webinar will last 1.5 hours, and is open to the public, providing opportunities for audience engagement and Q&A through a webinar chat function.
Thursday, 14 November, 11:00 AM EST
Restarting the Siting Process for high level waste (HLW) and spent nuclear fuel (SNF) Storage and Disposal
Marla Morales – Director, Office of Consent-Based Siting at US DOE/NE, USA
(TBC) – BGE Technology, Germany
Hiroyuki Umeki – Integration Advisor to NUMO, Japan
Haeryong Jung – Director HLW Management at KORAD, Korea (Republic of)
Rachel Cornah (TBC) – Head of DGR Site Evaluation at NWS, UK
Seth Kirshenberg – Executive Director at ECA, USA
Stefan Mayer – Team Lead Radioactive Waste Disposal, IAEA
Reprocessing and Recycling: The Outlook and Impact on New Nuclear Development
September 28, 2023
The Biden Administration has awarded funding for projects led by universities, private companies and natural laboratories to develop technologies to advance used nuclear fuel recycling, reduce the volume of high-level waste requiring permanent disposal, and provide safe domestic advanced reactor fuel stocks. Similarly, in Congress there is bipartisan support for exploring the potential for fuel recycling to establish a domestic industry to supply and enrich uranium, to increase our energy independence and reduce our reliance on Russia. But this is not the first time the U.S. has considered reprocessing and there have been multiple starts and stops for multiple reasons. How is the landscape different today? What is the potential for closing the fuel cycle in the U.S.? What would the impact be for advanced nuclear development? What is the timeline?
ECA hosted "Reprocessing and Recycling: The Outlook and Impact on New Nuclear Development" on Thursday, September 28, 2023, from 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm Eastern with experts Paul Murray and Josh Jarrell, Senior Technical Advisor to the U.S. Department of Energy's Advanced Nuclear Fuel Availability Program from the Idaho National Laboratories.
Reach out to Faith Sanchez, ECA Program Manager ( with any questions.
ECA New Nuclear Initiative Virtual Event: The Investor Outlook on Advanced Nuclear Development
October 6, 2022
As part of our New Nuclear Initiative, ECA continued a conversation with Jim Schaefer, Senior Managing Director at Guggenheim Securities, on the investor outlook for advanced nuclear development. Jim was a featured speaker this summer at the ECA Forum on New Nuclear Development in Salt Lake City, and provided additional input in light of the passage of the Inflation Reduction Act.
In addition to Jim, ECA hosted Steve Comello from the EFI Foundation, the 501c3 arm of the Energy Futures Initiative. EFI and the EFI Foundation - founded by former U.S. Energy Secretary Ernie Moniz - are organizations dedicated to harnessing the power of technology and policy innovation to accelerate the clean energy transition.
ECA Briefing with the Nuclear Innovation Alliance on Advanced Nuclear Reactor Technology: A Primer
October 5, 2021
ECA’s New Nuclear Initiative aims to help communities become knowledgeable about - and in many ways driven by - the nuclear missions they already host, be an integral part of the nuclear future. In partnership with the Nuclear Innovation Alliance, this webinar provides a briefing on Advanced Nuclear Reactor Technology: A Primer.
Engaging Energy Communities in Advanced Nuclear Demonstration Projects
May 4, 2021
Presentations from the webinar:
Christine King and Ashley Finan, GAIN and NRIC presentation
David Hart, Demonstration Project Portfolio presentation
Olu Omotowa, Terrapower presentation
Materials referenced on the webinar:
From Christine King, Director, Gateway for Accelerated Innovation in Nuclear (GAIN) Initiative
The Energy Calculator - a great interactive tool that is not too complicated that can help to see the consequences of your choices on the supply and the demand side. The nice thing about this tool is the math is handled on the back end seamlessly. There is a little intro video that goes with it as well.
GAIN is also working on public documents that help explain these kinds of reactors.
GAIN on microreactors:
GAIN maintains two directories (in process of being updated): advanced reactor developers and supply chain and university directory
GAIN monitors state level trends.
State Summary reports:
From David Hart, Senior Fellow, Information Technology and Innovation Foundation
From Jason Herbert, Director of Government Affairs and Advanced Reactor Communications, Energy Northwest
Washington Department of Commerce’s webpage on the Clean Energy Transformation Act (CETA), signed into law in 2019, that has helped to create an environment conducive to advanced nuclear development.
Building the Nuclear Energy Future
December 16, 2020