From the Atomic Age to New Nuclear: Energy Communities Ready to Help Unleash Nuclear Power
Communities across the country that were once home to government nuclear sites and/or former commercial energy plants are ready to help the United States today unleash the next wave of nuclear technologies, according to a new white paper from the Energy Communities Alliance (ECA). In its paper, “From the Atomic Age to New Nuclear,” ECA outlines a host of projects either underway or currently planned at sites across the county to support new nuclear development across the fuel cycle. Read the paper here.
Ensuring Long-Term Success: Recommendations for the Next Administration on the U.S. Department of Energy’s Environmental Management Mission
The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Office of Environmental Management (EM) must continuously examine its work and evolve. The Energy Communities Alliance (ECA) is calling on the next Administration to launch a comprehensive review of all aspects of the EM program. To meet the challenges and better ensure the continued success of the DOE-EM program, the ECA’s Transition paper offers the following recommendations:
Establishment of disposal paths for every type of radioactive and hazardous waste, including ensuring that both private and public sites are available and utilized.
The reevaluation of DOE-EM’s use of the end-state contracting model so that more funds are available for actual work.
Ensuring that regulatory agreements are reasonably achievable and balance short- and long-term needs.
Improvement of workforce planning to address “brain drain” and long-term needs for skilled talent of all kinds.
Continuing focus on economic and energy development benefits.
The maintaining of robust local, state, tribal government, and stakeholder engagement at each site.
Clarification on DOE policy regarding how the discovery of hazardous and radioactive materials at “completed sites” will be addressed to ensure that cleanup is protective of human health and the environment, and that the local community is not responsible for the DOE’s legacy waste cleanup.
The reconstituting of a dedicated nuclear waste organization within the DOE to address high-level radioactive waste and spent nuclear fuel issues.
Disposal Drives Cleanup: Re-Energizing Momentum for Disposal Solutions for Radioactive Waste
This report calls on DOE to launch the initiative to develop and further waste disposition approaches. The Department could potentially save hundreds of billions of dollars in cleanup costs by using its available tools and implementing the report’s recommendations. Read here
Local government recommendations on the Em strategic vision 2022-2032
In response to DOE Office of Environmental Management’s (EM) request for input on the EM Strategic Vision 2022-2032, ECA created Local Government Recommendations on the EM Strategic Vision 2022-2032. The detailed outline of recommendations highlights ECA member communities’ priorities and issues for inclusion in future iterations of the EM Strategic Vision. Read here
An interactive guide for communities and governments to navigate nuclear waste cleanup. In this easy-to-use online tool, ECA answers frequently asked questions about cleanup, and provides case studies and recommendations. Read here
Why Local Governments and Communities Support New Nuclear Development
The United States faces a range of energy challenges, from seeking energy security to addressing climate change. The solutions lie in our local communities, serving as the hosts of groundbreaking energy and environmental projects throughout our nation’s history. Read here
Local government recommendations on the Em strategic vision 2021-2031
In response to DOE Office of Environmental Management’s (EM) request for input on the EM Strategic Vision 2021-2031, ECA created Local Government Recommendations on the EM Strategic Vision 2021-2031. The detailed outline of recommendations highlights ECA member communities’ priorities and issues for inclusion in future iterations of the EM Strategic Vision. Read here
BIDEN Administration Transition Paper: Roadmap for DOE to Successfully Engage with Local Communities
ECA released its transition priorities and recommendations for the incoming Biden Administration in the following paper. The paper includes key priorities, each with their own set of recommendations, for the next Administration to adopt as they engage in discussions regarding ongoing DOE operations and performance, budget and appropriations, and environmental cleanup prioritization. Read here
Making Informed Decisions on DOE’s Proposed High Level Waste Definition
This report was developed as a guide for communities to understand a new interpretation of the statutory definition of high-level nuclear waste proposed by DOE in October 2018. This new interpretation could speed up cleanup, develop a path forward for waste stranded in interim storage and tanks, and potentially save tens of billions of dollars. The report provides local communities and other DOE stakeholders with information needed to enable informed decisions and constructive input to the Department as it determines next steps and implementation. Read here
Waste Disposition: A New Approach to DOE's Waste Management Must Be Pursued
This paper outlines alternative approaches to waste management, beginning with clarifying how nuclear waste types across the complex are defined. By basing treatment and disposal decisions on the actual characteristics of waste and the risk to human health and safety – rather than continuing to classify waste based on origin – DOE can move waste out of host communities more efficiently using a smarter, risk-based decision framework. Read here
Administration Transition Paper: A Roadmap for successful local GOVERNMENT and community engagement
ECA released its transition priorities and recommendations for the incoming Trump Administration in the following paper. The paper includes nine key priorities, each with their own set of recommendations, for the next Administration to adopt as they engage in discussions regarding ongoing DOE operations and performance, budget and appropriations, and environmental cleanup prioritization. Read here
This report includes recommendations for contracting and acquisition reform at DOE. The successful and safe operation of Department of Energy (DOE) sites is of paramount importance to adjacent communities. Many of the major prime contracts in DOE's Office of Environmental Management and the National Nuclear Security Administration portfolios are set to expire between 2016 and 2019, setting up an unprecedented period of contract re-competition over the next four years. Read here
This handbook looks at developments over the past two years, including the Blue Ribbon Commission's final report, DOE's Strategy for the Management and Disposal of Used Nuclear Fuel and High Level Radioactive Waste, and federal legislation introduced. ECA provides recommendations to local governments considering to support nuclear energy and development of nuclear facilities in their communities. Read here
This report evaluates the opportunities and challenges in environmental cleanups by examining two federal facilities slated for closure and one site with an ongoing federal mission. These sites present different models for how parties (Congress, federal and state agencies, state and local governments) can partner to identify and resolve difficult technical and policy issues and thus clean up federal facilities in a timely manner. The report offers recommendations grouped into four categories that broadly capture key steps in the cleanup process. Read here